Indigenous Knowledges and Sustainable Pasts/Futures
August 2018
Bozeman, Montana

Indigenous Knowledges and Sustainable Pasts/Futures was a writers’ and artists' residency held over a seven-day period in Bozeman, Montana from August 24–30, 2018. The project was co-organized by Mountain Time Arts (Gallatin County, MT) and the Center for Arts, Design and Social Research (Boston, MA).
Throughout the conversations during the residency, questions of history, memory, and the centrality of cultural practices to our pasts and futures, emerged. Also, we asked: How are we teaching our youth and each other? What languages should we be using? As we look around us, what names need to be changed?
In this public presentation, works in progress were shared, including fiction, non-fiction, scholarly writing, and works of art, including video, sculpture, painting, performance, and pottery.
Writers and Artists
Dr. Dalida Maria Benfield
Bently Spang
Nancy Deleary
Thomas Michael Swensen
Jodi Rave Spotted Bear